Terms of service

Date of effectiveness: 3/7/2024

In the following you will find the terms of service for the Yun discord bot. Note that the terms "bot" and "service" are used to describe Yun.

Description of the service
Yun is a discord bot, the exact extent of offered service is subject to free changes by the owner and developer without any obligations.

User obligations
It is the users responsibility to not use Yun to spread unlawful contents. It is also the users responsibility to inform themselves about changes to the terms of service and privacy policy for Yun. The user is also responsible for the setup of the bot in their respective servers.

Intellectual property rights
Every artwork associated with Yun and/or the Yun community server is owned by the owner of Yun, it is not subject to free usage. The same terms apply for the code of Yun.

Termination and suspension
You may be suspended from using Yun at any given time by the judgement of the owner of Yun and/or automated software.

Dispute resolution
Suspensions may be appealed in written form.

Limitation of liability
The owner of Yun is not liable for any damages caused by the bot and/or unavailabilties of service. The bot may be taken down or change its functionalities at any given time.

Changes to the terms
The privacy policy may be updated at any given time, it is the users responsibility to periodically check this document for updates.

Last change: The seventh of March 2024.

Privacy Policy

Date of effectiveness: 3/7/2024

In the following you will find the privacy policy for the Yun discord bot. Note that the term "bot" is used to describe Yun.

This privacy policy explains in detail what data is collected by the Yun discord bot, how it is used, stored and secured as well as your rights to deletion.

Types of data collected
The Yun bot can potentially store the following types of data:
- Your personal user ID which is publicly available on your discord profile.
- Message contents
- IDs of roles in your discord server, these function similar to the previously mentioned user IDs but unlike user IDs don't refer to a specific user but a specific role in your server.
- Your server ID which is also publicly available for all members of your server.
- Any sort of input that you provide whilst using a command
- Your public discord avatar/profile picture - The amount of users in each server and whether these are bot accounts or user accounts.

Methods of collection
Data is collected through input from the user into either the bot itself using commands or by typing it into text channels that Yun has been granted access to. Note that your information can also be collected due to a user executing a command that directly or indirectly includes you. By joining in a server that includes Yun you automatically agree to your data being temporarily stored.

Purpose of data processing
Your data is stored to enable Yun to work, all data stored is used to enable features of Yun to work, the data is not used for marketing, personalization or similar. Anonymized data may also be used for analytical purposes.

By adding Yun to your server or participating in a server which includes Yun you automatically agree to this privacy policy. Yun will not act in your name automatically, your name may appear in responses to commands you manually execute.

Data sharing
Your data will not be shared. The data is only used by Yun and its owner. Your data will not be shared with third parties.

Data retention
Automatically collected data is stored for a maximum of 30 days whereas manually provided data via command usage is stored for undefined periods of time dependent on the type of input as well as contents of the input. Personal data will never be stored for longer than a year, data regarding your server such as channel IDs and role IDs will be stored for as long as Yun is in your server.

User rights
Requests to view or delete your personal data can be made via email, the official contact email address regarding personal data is data@xoovaax.com, for your request to be processed the subject line should include whether you wish to view or delete your personal data. Your message should also include proof of ownership of the discord account.

Security measures
Your data is secured by being stored in a single server which is only accessible to Yun and its owner. Therefore your data is passwordlocked and physically locked and therefore inaccessible for others. Your data is also encrypted whilst stored.

Updates to the privacy policy
The privacy policy may be updated at any given time, it is the users responsibility to periodically check this document for updates.

Last change: The seventh of March 2024.